Overview of the documentation of gravestones on the existed Jewish cemeteries in Moravia and Silesia
Batelov – founded at the end of 17.c., 420 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, photodocumentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Iva Steinová
Bohumín – founded 1898, 35 gravestones, owner Adventist church Ostrava, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Libuše Salomonovičová, photo Tadeáš Bednarz 2020
Boskovice – founded in the 2.half of 16.c., 2400 gravestones, owner Jewish com. Brno, documentation available at the www.chewra.com, processed by Jaroslav Haidler
Brno – founded 1852, 9000 gravestones, owner Jewish com. Brno, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Petr Špunar
Brtnice – old cem. founded in the 2.half of 17.c., 433 gravestones, new cem. founded 1858, 278 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Václav Chvátal
Brumov – founded in the half of18.c., 44 gravestones, owner town Brumov-Bylnice, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Jaroslav Klenovsky (need to complete), photos Miroslav Sába 2019
Bruntál – founded 1870, 1 gravestone, owner town Bruntál
Břeclav – founded 16.c., 238 gravestones, owner Jewish com. Brno, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by group of students from Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel 2004
Bučovice – founded in the 16.-17.c., 392 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Václav Chvátal
Bzenec – founded at the end of 16.c., 1116 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Václav Chvátal
Český Těšín – founded 1926, 86 gravestones, owner town Český Těšín, partial documentation available at the www.zob.cz
Dambořice – founded in the 16.-17.c., 569 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Jana Gruberová
Dolní Bolíkov – founded at the end of 17.c., 131 gravestones, owner Jewish com. Praha, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Iva Steinová
Dolní Kounice – old cem. founded in the 16.c., 1 gravestone, owner private person, new cem. founded 1680, 955 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Václav Chvátal
Frýdek-Místek – founded 1882, 396 gravestones, owner Jewish com. Ostrava, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Libuše and Michal Salomonovič
Hlučín – founded 1814, 43 gravestones (and 130 fragments), owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Jaroslav Klenovský (need to complete), photo Tadeáš Bednarz 2019
Hodonín –old cem. founded in the 16.c., 6 gravestones, new cem. founded 1939, 33+20 gravestones, owner town Hodonín, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Jaroslav Klenovský and Václav Chvátal
Holešov – founded in the 15.-16.c., 1851 gravestones, owner Jewish com. Brno, documentation available at the www.chewra.com, processed by Jaroslav Haidler
Hranice – founded about 1635, 627 gravestones, owner town Hranice, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Miroslav Marada
Hustopeče – founded 1886, 1 gravestone, owner town Hustopeče
Ivančice – founded in the 2.half of the 15.c., 1800 gravestones, owner Jewish com. Brno, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Daniel Polakovič
Ivanovice na Hané – founded at the end of 16.c., 232 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, no documentation
Jablunkov – founded 1903, 35 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Josef Byrtus and Jaroslav Klenovský, photo Tadeáš Bednarz 2019
Jemnice – founded in the 14.-16.c., 412 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Daniel Polakovič
Jevíčko – founded 1836, 25 gravestones, owner Jewish com. Praha, no documentation
Jihlava – founded 1868-70, 1171 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Václav Chvátal
Jiřice by Miroslav – founded in the 18.c., 130 gravestones, owner village Jiřice, documentation available at the www.chewra.com, processed by Jaroslav Haidler
Kojetín – founded 1574, 426 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Zuzana Krybusová and Tony Hausner
Koryčany – founded in the 2.half of the 16.c., 265 gravestones, owner Jewish com. Brno, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Václav Chvátal
Krnov – founded 1872, 293 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Libuše Salomonovičová
Kroměříž – founded 1924, 5 gravestones, owner town Kroměříž, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Jaroslav Klenovský
Lednice – founded at the end of 17.c., 11 gravestones, owner village Lednice, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Jaroslav Klenovský and Václav Chvátal
Lipník nad Bečvou – old cem. founded 1567, 159 gravestones, new cem. founded 1883, 225 gravestones, owner town Lipník n.B., documentation for new cem. available at the www.zob.cz, processed by ??
Lomnice – founded in the beg. of the 18.c., 831 gravestones, owner Jewish com. Brno, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Václav Chvátal
Loštice – founded 1554, 658 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Jaroslav Haidler
Markvarec – founded 1794, 249 gravestones, owner Jewish com. Praha, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Iva Steinová
Mikulov – founded in the half of the 16.c., 4402 gravestones, owner Jewish com. Brno, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Barbora Leskovjanová
Miroslav – founded at the end of 16.c., 475 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Aleš Bednařík and Jaroslav Haidler
Mohelnice – founded 1904-6, 15 gravestones, owner town Mohelnice, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Jaroslav Klenovský, photo Tadeáš Bednarz 2019
Moravské Budějovice – founded 1908-9, 49 gravestones, owner Jewish com. Brno, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Jaroslav Klenovský (need to complete)
Moravský Krumlov – founded in the 16.c., 407 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Eva Grunová and Jaroslav Haidler
Olomouc – founded 1900-1, 1530 gravestones, owner town Olomouc, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Miroslav Papoušek
Olšany – founded in the half of the 18.c., 118 gravestones, owner Jewish com. Praha, no documentation
Opava – founded 1890-92, 447 gravestones, owner Jewish com. Ostrava, documentation available at the www.chewra.com, processed by Jaroslav Haidler
Orlová – founded 1901, 63 gravestones, owner Jewish com. Ostrava, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Libuše Salomonovičová
Osoblaha – founded in the 15.-16.c., 413 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.chewra.com, processed by Jaroslav Haidler
Ostrava-Michálkovice – founded 1901, 18 gravestones, owner town Ostrava, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Libuše Salomonovičová
Ostrava-Slezská – founded 1965, 140 gravestones, owner Jewish com. Ostrava, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Libuše and Michal Salomonovič
Písečné nad Dyjí – founded in the beg. of the 18.c., 456 gravestones, owner Jewish com. Praha, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Iva Steinová and Daniel Polakovič
Podivín – founded in the 16.-17.c., 751 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, no documentation
Pohořelice – founded 1722, 1148 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, photodocumentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Iva Steinová
Police u Jemnice – founded after 1670, 260 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, photos by Iva Steinová, transcription of gravestones by Joseph Prager
Prostějov – founded 1908, 476 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by students of Jiří-Wolker-highschool in Prostějov 2004
Přerov – founded 1882, 384 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Jaroslav Klenovsky (need to complete)
Puklice – founded at the end of 17.c., 112 gravestones, owner Jewish com. Brno, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Václav Chvátal
Rousínov – founded in the 16.c., 1213 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Daniel Polakovič
Slavkov u Brna – founded 1744, 506 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Václav Chvátal
Strážnice – founded in the 18.c., 1129 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Michael Gordy and Daniela Torsh, (the duplicate also Iva Steinová)
Svitavy – founded 1887-92, 3 gravestones, owner town Svitavy
Šafov – founded at the end of 17.c., 950 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, no documentation
Šumperk – founded 1907-9, 35 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Jaroslav Klenovský (need to complete), photo Tadeáš Bednarz 2019
Telč – old cem. founded in the 16.c., 153 gravestones, owner Jewish com. Praha, new cem. founded 1879, 154 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Iva Steinová
Tovačov – founded in the 17.c., 293 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Veronika Olšanská
Třebíč – founded in the 16.-17.c., 2600 gravestones, owner Jewish com. Brno, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Daniel Polakovič
Třešť – founded at the end of the 17.c., 1306 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, photodocumentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Iva Steinová
Třinec – founded in the beg. of 20.c., 2 gravestones, owner town Třinec
Uherský Brod – founded 1870, 1085 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by L.Zámečník and M.Kalandřík, highschool students in Uherský Brod 1999
Uherský Ostroh – founded 1862, 404 gravestones, owner Jewish com. Brno, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Radek Nožička
Úsov – founded in the half of the 17.c., 944 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Daniel Polakovič and Iva Steinová
Valašské Meziříčí – founded 1870, 17 gravestones, owner town V.Meziříčí, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Libuše Salomonovičová
Velká nad Veličkou – founded 1886, 34 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Martin Dosoudil and Jaroslav Klenovský
Velké Karlovice – founded 1889, 50 gravestones, owner Jewish com. Ostrava, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Libuše Salomonovičová
Velké Meziříčí – founded 1650, 1504 gravestones, owner Jewish com. Brno, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Václav Chvátal
Veselí nad Moravou – founded in the half of 18.c., 200 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Vladimír Groš
Vsetín – founded 1886-7, 115 gravestones, owner Jewish com. Ostrava, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Libuše Salomonovičová
Vyškov – founded 1888-91, 59 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Jaroslav Klenovský (need to complete)
Zlaté Hory – founded 1897, 1 gravestone, owner town Zlaté Hory
Zlín – founded 1935, 10 gravestones, owner town Zlín, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by Marcel Sladkowski and Jaroslav Klenovský
Znojmo – founded 1868, 121 gravestones, owner Federation of JC in the ČR, documentation available at the www.zob.cz, processed by David Grossmann